
June 28 2024

It’s beginning to dawn on me how much of an inspiration my parents are to me. If you asked me who I looked up to a couple years ago I would’ve gave you a list of people I’ve never even met. However, as I think on all the sacrifices my parents have made for our family, a deep sense of gratefulness grows in my heart.

Both my mum and dad have always put my brother and I first in their lives. Everything they do is for us. They consistently give themselves less so we can have more. My mother is the kindest and most compassionate person I’ve ever met.

She is the person not only I but all her friends go to if they ever need support. She doesn’t judge anyone and gives everyone the time of day. She will literally give her last dollar to someone else not as fortunate as her. She has an abundance of love that I’m ever grateful for.

Without her I wouldn’t be as confident as I am. She’s taught me so much when it comes to mindfulness and how to be a great human being. She also has immaculate taste and has helped me refine my style and aesthetic through the years.

My dad on the other hand is the backbone of the family. He never complains and is the one you can rely on for anything. Whenever a task or problem arises, he shuts up and gets it done. His quiet confidence is reassuring, knowing that we’ll always figure it out.

His resourcefulness and ability to problem solve has taught me how to take on any task with whatever tools you have and get it done. He’s the one who taught me how to work hard and to keep pushing when it gets difficult. He’s always been the person who’d do anything for our family.

Both my parents support everything my brother and I do. They both work so hard and it doesn’t go unnoticed. I’m forever grateful to be born into such a loving family. Without them I wouldn’t be who I am today. They are my biggest heroes and I hope to become just like them.
